The Tata Nano is a car the US may never see roaming its highways and byways. Autoweek got their hands on one and while it's pretty amazing it will never be confused for 'sporty'. With a top speed of 65 mph and acceleration that puts a new meaning on lethargic (over 30 seconds from 0-60), this car would not survive the on-ramp for an urban freeway. But it will be an important contribution to the emerging societies of what was called the third world.
Automobile magazine did a nice piece on the Nano a couple of months ago and it is worth the read. What stands out is the creativity they exercised in containing costs. That allowed them to meet price targets for the car. Its affordability and utility will make it the choice 'first car' for many families. And because it will replace scooters and bicycles, it will provide an increased level of safety for the families that move up to a Nano.
This will be an important car, much like the Model T and Austin 7 were, for a large chunk of the world that is now stretching its legs and getting ready to exercise its economic muscle.
(Image of the Nano from the Tata Web site.)
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